
3-6 Tahun

Small Stars

latihan soal irregular verb
Grammar and Vocabulary
tom thunder
Tom Thunder

Memahami bentuk irregular verb sangat penting bagi orang yang sedang belajar bahasa Inggris karena hal ini menambah variasi keterangan sebuah kalimat. EFriends, apakah kamu sudah hafal berbagai daftar irregular verb alias kata kerja tidak beraturan? Bagaimana kalau hari ini kita bersama-sama mengerjakan latihan soal irregular verb?

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Berbeda dengan regular verb, irregular verb tidak mengikuti pola yang khas, sehingga penting untuk dipelajari secara terpisah. Tapi, kenapa sih belajar irregular verb ini sangat penting?

  1. Pertama, irregular verb ini pasti digunakan dalam bahasa sehari-hari. Kalau kamu menguasainya, maka kamu akan lebih lancar dalam berkomunikasi.

  2. Kedua, penggunaan irregular verb yang salah dapat menyebabkan kesalahan tata bahasa, sehingga memengaruhi kejelasan dan kebenaran kalimat.

  3. Ketiga, dengan kamu memahami macam-macam irregular verb, maka kamu bisa meningkatkan pemahamanmu terhadap bahasa Inggris sehingga kamu bisa memahami berbagai macam percakapan dan bacaan.

Nah, penting banget kan EFriends? Jadi, yuk semangat mengerjakan latihan soal di bawah ini.

Latihan Soal Irregular Verb 1

Ubahlah daftar kata verb 1 di bawah ini menjadi bentuk verb 2 dan verb 3.

1. Break

2. Make

3. Get

4. Give

5. Blow

6. Fly

7. Write

8. Shine

9. Begin

10. Build

Latihan Soal Irregular Verb 2

Lengkapi kalimat-kalimat berikut menggunakan bentuk kata kerja yang sesuai.

1. I ___ (eat) breakfast early this morning.

2. They ___ (buy) a new board game last week.

3. He ___ (catch) a fish while fishing at the lake.

4. She ___ (fall) off her bike but wasn't hurt.

5. Anna ___ (forget) to bring her umbrellas, and it rained heavily.

6. The baby ___ (sleep) peacefully through the night.

7. He ___ (run) as fast as he could to catch the cat.

8. They ___ (see) a shooting star in the night sky.

9. We ___ (choose) the lilac paint for Emily’s bedroom.

10. The athlete ___ (throw) the ball with all his strength.

11. The stick ___ (withstand) the weight of the heavy pouch, surprising everyone.

12. Despite the injury, the athlete ___ (stride) confidently onto the field.

13. Adam ___ (sing) with such emotion that it moved everyone in the audience to tears.

14. The little thief ___ (flee) the scene before its owner arrives.

15. Despite the odds, they ___ (overcome) their differences and become close friends.

16. The wise sage ___ (forbid) the villagers from entering the cursed forest after dark.

17. The teacher ___ (teach) her students with passion and enthusiasm

18. He ___ (freeze) when he saw the ghostly figure in the hallway.

19. The children ___ (swim) in the pool for hours.

20. Justin ___ (ring) the neighbor’s doorbell repeatedly until someone answered.

Latihan Soal Irregular Verb 3

Lengkapi paragraf singkat berikut menggunakan bentuk kata kerja yang sesuai.


Gabie ___ (wake up) as her alarm ___ (ring). She ___(throw) back the covers and stumbled out of bed. Today was the weekend, and she couldn't wait to play games with her friends. After a quick breakfast, she packed her lunch and ___ (run) to catch the bus.

At the park, Gabie joined her friends in a game of catch. She ___ (catch) the ball several times, even though she sometimes missed. After the game, they all ___(sit) under a big tree and shared their lunches. Gabie laughed as she told her friends about the funny dream she ___ (have) the night before.

As the day ___ (draw) to a close, Gabie ___ (feel) happy and tired. She ___ (say) goodbye to her friends and boarded the bus back home. She ___ (think) about all the fun she ___ (have) and couldn't wait for the next weekend.

Apakah kamu bisa mengerjakan semua latihan soalnya, EFriends? Oh iya, kalau kamu sedang mencari latihan soal yang lain, kamu bisa menemukannya di EF Blog. Ada macam-macam latihan soal yang akan membantumu belajar bahasa Inggris secara mandiri di rumah.

Nah, kalau kamu ingin belajar bersama teman atau punya pertanyaan seputar bahasa Inggris, kamu bisa datang langsung ke sekolah EF terdekat di tempatmu. Sstt, ada juga kelas gratis bersama guru EF yang bisa kamu ikuti kalau kamu mendaftarkan nomor handphone-mu di form yang ada di halaman ini. Tertarik ikutan?