
3-6 Tahun

Small Stars

jenis teks bahasa inggris
Reading and Writing

Perbedaan Narrative Text dan Recount Text

Ben Small Stars

Kamu pasti sudah tidak asing lagi bukan dengan istilah narrative dan recount text? Pada artikel sebelumnya, telah dibahas mengenai jenis-jenis teks bahasa Inggris yang wajib kamu pelajari. Kedua teks ini termasuk kedalamnya.

Sama-sama bertujuan untuk menceritakan sebuah peristiwa yang sudah terjadi, membuat kebanyakan orang sering bingung perbedaan dari teks tersebut. Sebenarnya mudah sekali membedakan mana yang narrative text dan mana yang recount text.

Penasaran? Yuk langsung intip perbedaan Narrative Text, Recount Text beserta contoh berikut ini:

Narrative Text vs Recount Text


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*Syarat dan Ketentuan Berlaku

Narrative Text

Recount Text

  • Isi:

  • Cerita legenda atau dongeng.

  • Terdapat konflik.

  • Hanya menceritakan urutan peristiwa masa lalu yang terjadi secara detail.

  • Tanpa konflik.

  • Struktur:

  • Orientation

  • Complication

  • Resolution

  • Reorientation

  • Orientation

  • Event

  • Reorientation

  • Keterangan waktu:

  • Pada masa lalu namun tidak spesifik kapan peristiwa tersebut terjadi.

  • Peristiwa pada masa lampau dan memiliki waktu yang pasti.

Contoh Narrative Text

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Once upon a time there lived a little, named Snow White. She lived with her aunt and uncle because her parents died.

One day she heard her aunt and uncle talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they wanted to go to America and didn't have enough money to take Snow White with them.

Snow White didn't want to live in the castle alone and the next morning she runs away into the wood. In the wood, she felt very tired and hungry. Then she saw the cottage, knocked but no one answered so she went inside and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside and found Snow White woke up. The dwarfs said, "What is your name?". Then Snow White introduce herself and told the whole story about her. One of the dwarfs said, "If you wish, you may live here with us". Finally, Snow White and the seven dwarfs lived happily ever after.

Contoh Recount Text

Came late to School

Last Monday, I came late to school because I watched a Korean movie until 1.00 am. Because of that, I woke up late.

I woke up at about 6.30 am and the class would begin at 7.00 am. I ran to the bathroom to take a bath. I usually had breakfast, but on that day I did not do that.

I went to school by public transportation and arrived at school at 7.35 am. I ran to my class but I saw my teacher has stood in front of the class to teach. I entered my class and of course, he was angry because I came late.

It was my bad experience and I hoped I would not do that again.

Sekarang sudah terlihat jelaskan perbedaan antara narrative dan recount text? Ingin tahu tips menulis lainnya? Buruan cek di Reading and Writing section.

Selain itu, kamu juga bisa mendapatkan materi bahasa Inggris langsung dari guru yang berpengalaman dan berkompeten. Caranya gampang sekali yaitu isi nomormu pada kolom yang telah tersedia dan temukan jawabannya!

Ben Small Stars